Soulful Preparations: Top 3 Spiritual Practices for Holiday Bliss

Hi Thriver! 

We are busy making food preparations, table preparations and home preparations to get ready for the holidays. But have you thought about the soulful preparations needed to draw in the most incredible holiday ever for you?

For many, we wonder what these holidays are going to look and feel like experiencing sleepless nights and concerned days leading up to these events unsure about how they are going to go or worried about the food or guest interactions.

But I want your holidays to be different for you. 

There is a way to avoid the stress and worry of the holidays. 

Trade your worry and stress for soulful preparations.

As you tend to your soul and your energetic frequency, you will elevate your vibration and only attract in the highests and most joyous experience for you and your family. 

I want you to know that you can align with whatever holiday experience you would like this holiday season. 

The other day a friend of mine was talking about how stressed she was feeling about flying with three small children. I reminded her of my
top 3 travel tips: 

  1. Blessing the plane,

  2. Walking down the aisle with Love 

  3. Making your own little Love Bubble within your own seating area. 

These are game-changers when it comes to travel. I hope they help you this holiday season too! 

Join me tomorrow on my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast for my
Soulful Preparations: 10 Spiritual Practices for a Harmonious Holiday. Be sure to follow my podcast to receive the alert when it is up on Monday. This is my personal How-To Guide on attending any event and how I prepare my energy for crowds. You will not want to miss this! 

We will cover three of my favorite practices today. 

1) Use the
GRACE Technique- This is truly my #1 all-time energy technique for crowds. I use this daily and multiple times a day if I am entering different sets of crowds or feel over energized by a room. This energetic technique is simple you

  • G-Ground your energy

  • R- Retract your aura

  • A- Attach the aura to the center of the earth

  • C- Cover your energy field with an energetic screen

  • E- Empty the bowl that is placed outside of your screen once you're done listening to someone or a group of people have filled this bowl with energy. Imagine an energetic fire and dump the bowl and allow yourself to stay free from taking on someone else's energy. 

Applying this energetic tool to your system before heading into a holiday event will allow you to enjoy yourself without taking on the energy of the room, the group or any individual in the room. 

2) Assess who raises you up and hang out with them! Do certain situations bring your energy down or do they elevate it?

Do certain people bring you down or elevate you?

What you do with your energy matters.

Choose to be around people that help you to feel peaceful and calm. Choose environments that lift you up. As you empower your energetic system, your energetic frequency will raise and you will draw in higher vibe people and situations and find that you remain healthier, happier and more focused. Energy awareness is your signal for what serves you and for what doesn’t.

Spend this holiday with those that life you up! 

3) Reflect on a holiday that you loved! 
Bask in the energy of a holiday that made your heart and soul sing!  If you have not experienced one that you can bask in, imagine the feelings or turn on a Netflix family holiday movie that helps you to bask in this feeling and energy.  As you saturate in these emotions, your energetic frequency will rise to this vibrational level and attract the same experience into your life. 

Like attracts like. 

Bask in the feeling and you will actually recognize the energy when it appears.  You will recognize the feeling to be the same feeling. It's an incredible and powerful moment to know you can attract the life, and holidays, of your dreams. 

I can't wait for you to join me on my podcast to dive into this entire
Soulful Preparation Top 10 List! 

Love yourself enough to heal. Heal yourself enough to thrive. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I am soo grateful for you and for the opportunity to journey along with you week by week! 

Much love,

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