My #1 New Year's Tradition to manifest an amazing year!

Hi Thriver! 

For years, I have basked in a powerful New Years tradition. 

Every New Years Day I pull out a pen and a few thank you cards and write notes to people who have changed my life in the past year. I reflect on how my life would not have been the same without their presence within it and share with them how much they’ve changed me and my life. 

This ritual is just as powerful for them to receive the card as it is for me to write it. Reflecting on the impact people have made in our lives creates a poignant moment of gratitude. 

With this gratitude, we acknowledge, we can’t do it alone and appreciate that the Divine brings the right people into our life at the perfect time and in the perfect way. 

Starting the year off in gratitude elevates our energetic frequency and helps us to alignment with the abundance we are seeking to draw in the new year. 

Join me in this ritual if you feel called. It is a powerful transformation tool and I invite you to join me for tomorrow’s podcast as I share my personal Top 10 List for New Years.
My Top 10 techniques to elevate your energy and space to draw in the best year yet. 

Until then, check out a few of my year's favorite Love.Heal.Thrive. podcasts, a combination of the top downloads and my personal favorites Enjoy and I look forward to expanding even more with you in 2024!


Help your loved ones start their year off right by sending them your favorite Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast of 2023 and help spread the healing and growth!  Help them learn how to love themselves enough to heal and heal themselves enough to thrive. 

Happy 2024! I look forward to us growing and expanding together! 

Much love,

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