Only light can brighten a dark room, or a darkened heart. 

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

     ~Martin Luther King, Jr. 
       Strength to Love, 1963

These words, like so many of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words, were and continue to be so potent and powerful.

Only light can brighten a dark room, or a darkened heart. 

We are the light for each other.  

How can you be someone's light today? 

It doesn't take much -- a smile, a door held open, a heartfelt hug.

When we set intention to live from a place of being the light for others, we are blessed with a mission that blesses us right back. 

As we shift our hearts to be the love that those around us need, we elevate our life experience too.

This is why Mahatma Gandhi preached, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." 

We draw in love into our world by being love. 

We draw in more light by being the light for others. 

Choose one way that you can be love today and begin to watch the incredible effect you make on your world. 

Do you own a dog?  If you have ever owned a dog or have ever had a dog show up in your dreams, you may be very interested in this week's podcast. 
Heather Leigh Strom is a guest and dives into her book K9 Spirit Guides and how this canine energy guides her toward incredible healing. Listen HERE. 

Much love,

Need a mindfulness and resiliency training teacher for your next corporate meeting? I'd love to speak at your next event!

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Erin Garay