How to CREATE the life of your dreams

Hi Thriver!

This past week, a few girlfriends and I were texting and decided it was time for our one friend to find a new person to date for a number of reasons. :)

We had collectively decided that we would take her out to find a new beau and began to talk about what characteristics he should emanate. After many funny comments and shared images, I suggested we start a checklist so that we would know, without a doubt, when we found him. After adding general descriptions, I suggested we add specific and unique characteristics so we would absolutely know when we manifested him. 

The incredibly teachable moment here is that one of the members of this text chat created a collaborative note for the checklist so we could all make changes to the checklist at the exact same time. 

As I was writing on the list, other amazing characteristics showed up on the list simultaneously.

Its impact was not lost on me. 

The interactive beau checklist works the same as the Universal Checklist. 

This Universal Checklist is the visual I want for you to keep in mind when you are CREATEing the life of your dreams. 

When we define the life that we want on a checklist, we get abundantly and accurately clear on what we want.  There is no longer a divergence of energy. There is only one path of energy to execute. This is why clarity matters in manifesting.

Once you have clarity, seek collaboration with the Universe.

Just like this collaborative note, envision the Universe adding things to your abundant checklist that are even more abundant than you would ever imagine! 

Welcome it all in! The clarity, collaboration and abundance so that you can CREATE your abundant life. 

Join me for this week's podcast, How can you CREATE the life of your dreams? 

Much love,

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