Why your wish list is your ultimate vision board

Hi Thriver! 

For years, when flipping through catalogs, I would tear out pages and circle items that I would love and place them in a box for my hubby to flip through when gifting opportunities would arise. 

This went on for years so I would begin to forget what I had put in the box because I never reviewed it. 

So when I would open a gift, I would be shocked at his preciseness of choosing just the perfect gift. It was a total win-win situation. I felt that he knew me so well. 

I would ask, "How did you know?"

He would say, "It was in the box." 

Every. Single. Time. 

It was hilarious and I think there is something special about it being in the black hole of the physical box. It wasn't a continually curated board or list.  I would forget and be surprised when my desired appeared.

This is how we manifest too.

We get clear on our desire, place our order and forget about it and squeal in delight and appreciation when it appears in our lives. 

Often at the holidays, or during any other gifting moments, many people often say "Oh give me whatever you want to get me" or "whatever" when asked what gifts they would like at gift giving time. 

Here's the thing though, when we honor ourselves, and love ourselves enough to know we are worthy of receiving what we desire, asking for what we want is not only an act of self-love, this also allows us to be surrounded physically by only things we adore. 

When we are surrounded by physical items we love, the energetic vibration of our life is elevated.  

If we are surrounded by items we do not love, we can feel overwhelmed and overloaded, unable to get clear on what we really do want. This can lead to a cluttered home and energy stagnation within the home and our mind.

This holiday season, ask for what you would love. 

When we get clear on what we want, we manifest it. 

This is how our Childhood Holiday Wish List was so powerful.  We were very clear on what we wanted. 

Often we do not manifest our desires into our lives because we are unclear on what we want.  Once we get clear on what we want, it appears.

Just like our holiday wish list as kids. 

Most likely, you received many of those items growing up that were on your list. 

Write your adult wish list and watch how fast your desires arrive. 

Get clear on what you want, know that you deserve it and watch your blessings begin to flow in. 

Join me for tomorrow's
Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast as we dive into how powerful your holiday wish list is for manifesting your desires and how holiday carols are just what you need to heal and balance your energy! 

Much love,