Do You Have A Long To Do List? Do This To Make It Easier!

Hi Thriver! 

This past week, I was trying to schedule a walk with a dear friend, and we were trying to pick a new place to explore.

As Mercury Retrograde would have it, my car started to malfunction, and I needed to take it in to be serviced so I asked her if she wanted to walk near the garage. There is a gorgeous body of water nearby with a lovely trail. 

It seemed to be a perfect solution.

She met me right on time except that this particular morning was foggy, cold and raining. 

If there is one thing to know about me is that I am a fair-weather walker. I love to walk in the warmth of the sun and of my friends. But I do not walk in the rain or the cold. 

Thankfully, neither does my friend. 

We mutually agreed at the same time that we should go get coffee instead. 

I told her there was this wonderful coffee shop that grows their own beans nearby and while I hadn't been there for years, my only memory of the place was that this coffee was made with so much love. 

She said, "I love coffee made with love." 

So off went.

It turns out, the coffee shop owner is from Peru and my friend is from Chile. The two of them started chatting and instantly became family. This coffee and this experience were filled with so much love. Throughout the conversation, we both decided to buy bags of coffees for gifts and to top it off, he makes fresh empanadas. 

Afterwards, my friend said, "This is amazing! I had a whole long list of things to do, and this excursion just took care of all of them."

A life-long friend of hers was coming to dinner who also happens to be from Peru. She had needed a gift and bought the coffee. She had wanted to serve empanadas but did not know where to source them and, in this moment, set up her order.

And now she has a brand-new favorite coffee spot. Isn't that always on the to-do list? 

When we feel overwhelmed and force ourselves to complete our list top to bottom, we miss the opportunity to invite the Divine into our day. When we invite the Divine in, multiple tasks often get crossed off effortlessly. 

The next time you look at your to-do list, feel into your list. Decide which task feels right to complete next.  Often this task will cross off more than one thing off your list and make completing your list more effortless and a lot more fun.  

Where have you been forcing yourself down your to-do list? Where can you leave a little room for Divine magic to infuse your day? What tasks feel inspiring for you today?  Where do you feel called to activate?  

Follow those feelings and watch how life falls into place more effortlessly for you and with a lot more joy...and possibly some yummy coffee! 

If you'd like to check out this amazing coffee shop, please do so here,
Papachay Coffee

Speaking of friends, please join me for this heartfelt conversation as two chakra podcast teachers dive into their own chakra experiences together. Sarah Bright, host of
Your Chakra Coach, joined me on my podcast and we had such a hilarious and heartfelt time together. If you want to learn about the chakra system in a light and humorous way, join us for our podcast this Monday, December 18, Chakra Chronicles Unleashed. 

Much love,

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Erin Garay