6-Month Transformational Coaching Program


Your life only changes when you change within.


This 6-month transformation program is made up of 12  90-minute sessions that will take you through the foundation of your life and will offer you a complete Life Play Book with personal illuminations about how you think, love and make decisions as well as resilience techniques and manifesting mastery.

Your transformation will:

·       help you discover your patterns-both supportive and destructive 

·       teach you how to love yourself more authentically

·       heal, redirect and accentuate your sub-conscious patterns

·       manifest the life beyond your wildest dreams


Learning to Love Yourself

The first four sessions are committed to you understanding yourself on a much deeper level, appreciating your patterns - both conscious and unconscious- and learning to implement new systems to maximize your daily efforts. These four weeks dive into your Energy & Emotional Mapping, Destiny Cards and Enneagram awareness and appreciation. After these four weeks, we investigate how this wisdom intersects and correlates in the most incredible ways and how to create lasting change within your daily life.


Learning to Heal yourself

These next four sessions dig deep to heal the underlining cause of your subconscious patterning as is indicated by the first 4 sessions. Weekly exercises help to accept the present moment and heal the inner child (who runs our adult show) through mindset, energy healing, hypnotherapy and breathing techniques.


Learning how to thrive under any circumstance

These final four sessions teach you how to feel more empowered based on the previous 8 sessions, manifest the life of your dreams through emotional range assessment, money patterning recognition, manifesting techniques and mindset and visualization training. Once you have completed these 12 sessions, you will understand your triggers, your patterns and how to live a life that is empowered and resilient to the outside world. You will be able to walk in and own every room with magnificent and powerful energy. I am so excited for you to experience this new upleveled way of living!

For a more detailed schedule of the weekly sessions, connect with me here.