Have You Set Your Intentions Yet Today?


The first Supermoon of 2020 is upon us!

Did you have a restless night of sleep? Are you feeling overly emotional?

From Elite Daily, here's why:

"This supermoon has the potential to be an incredibly motivating experience, giving you a blast of energy you can mold to your desired shape. Forming a trine with passionate and driven Mars, this full moon is about tapping in to what matters to you most and then focusing your efforts on that aspect of life. With brainy and communicative Mercury harmonizing with the North Node — aka your ultimate destiny (no big deal or anything) — your thoughts will be geared toward becoming the person you're meant to become. Let yourself be pulled toward the future.

However, you may find that your relationships are at odds with the person you're becoming. With Venus — planet of love and friendship — squaring off with the North Node, you may find yourself being forced to choose between loving someone and loving yourself. If a loved one does not support you on your journey to growth and self-actualization, then this might not be a relationship that's meant to last if it cannot be improved."

Here is the full article that I honestly wanted to just copy and paste it all here because it was so good.

How do we use this supermoon's energy to bring in the life we desire and not just let it wreak havoc on our night's sleep?

Set your intention today. 

The energy of the full moon lasts at least 24 hours so find a moment today to write out your intention for your ultimate destiny.  What does the life that you LOVE look like? Don't be afraid to ask for it! 

It doesn't have to be fancy (although if you're feeling called to make it fancy- GO. FOR. IT.) But if fancy keeps you from completing this today, go for the back of an envelope. 

Get quiet, tap into that sacred space within you that is the lucky one who gets to hear the whispers of your heart and let your writing flow from there. Write out what you want, what you desire and what is calling from your heart. What is your heart truly desiring? Set intention with a knowing that you know it will arrive in your life.  

"When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it." ~Paulo Coelho

Allow the Universe to conspire through you. Your desires are your roadmap and your intuition is your GPS. Follow each step and you will journey into the life of your dreams. 

Much love,