A Back to School Meditation Of Acceptance


Did your family go back to school this week? Do you find yourself reminiscing about your first day of school every Fall? 

How's that working out for you this year? I know this week has been tough on us. I've spent my week wishing I could take away and hold the panic my daughter was experiencing the first class she missed due to a last minute link change topped with more frustration on the next call when she had been sent the wrong link. I wished I could somehow soothe her disappointment of not meeting new classmates in person at a new school. I wish I could take away the longing to want to enjoy the first day of school with her incredible friends she's made over the years. 

I wish...I wish...I wish...

This is where we run into our challenge. When we wish for things to be different than they are, we find ourselves in a state of suffering and frustration. Sound familiar? Certainly this school year start may not be your traditional storybook beginning, but it is your story.

How will you go about telling your story this year? 

Are you going to hold onto the way things were or accept and find the blessings that are inherent in every moment of every day? Your telling of the story will determine how the story ends. We bring in more of what we focus on. As we begin to focus on the moments to appreciate this Fall, we will bring in more moments to appreciate. 

Sometimes it is hard to jump straight to appreciation. We have to accept the situation as it is first and that can be its own journey.  Acceptance takes courage, patience and a surrender and softening of the heart that places us in the position to allow and trust that life is always blessing us, even when it is hard to understand how at first glance. 

You don't have to journey to appreciation alone this week. Join me for this week's Back to School Meditation where we let go of expectations, accept what is and bring in so much appreciation and goodness for an incredible year for everyone. We are all a student of life and have so much to learn to accept, especially right now. I hope you find great healing in today's meditation. 

Much love,