It is what it is...learning to let go

There are times in our lives when we are presented with situations that we wish were different.

  • A family member acting a certain way

  • A medical diagnosis that you wish were different

  • A job environment that feels toxic

When we wallow in our desire for this situation to be different and ruminate on the many ways this situation is going to ruin our lives, guess what kind of energy we are bringing into our situation?

Like attracts like.

As we focus on this energy, we attract more negative circumstances into our lives.

But sometimes we do get stuck, don't we?

We can only see the negative and are not able to find any aspects of the situation where we can find gratitude and appreciation, the fastest way out of a circumstance.

When we reach this point of non-acceptance, we can settle into a powerful phrase of release instead...

"It is what it is and I can't do anything about it."

Much like we talked last week about the Universe being in charge of it's role while you are in charge of yours, there are simply things you can't do about other people's choices or situations.

Nor would you want to.

Each of us is here to learn our own unique lessons and it's not our job to know what another person's lesson is supposed to be.

If we truly trust that all things happen in perfect Divine order and in the perfect Divine way, then we can also know that although we do not agree with what is happening, we can let go and let God.

We can trust we are learning our perfect lesson and so are the other people involved.

In the letting go, we release resistance and welcome in what is meant to be for everyone involved to learn the lessons they each (we all) need to learn.

When we don't let go and we hold onto something that we wish were different, we lower our energetic frequency and find ourselves angry and frustrated and ultimately attracting even more negative circumstances into our lives.

Mercury Retrograde just began on January 14th and will run through February 3rd so there will be plenty of opportunity to let go and practice your "it is what it is" mantra.

Venus is also in retrograde so how we think and communicate and how we love is kicking off the year with a re-do. Revisit how you communicate, renew your systems. Take this time to declutter your space and and revisit how you think, love and communicate in your life.

And when conversations or situations get heated, remember "it is what it is" and you are all learning lessons during this unique period, relearning how to love, think and be in relationship with yourself and each other.

Join me for today's meditation, "It is what it is" a meditation of letting go to help you release your tight hold on the way things are and welcome in how things are meant to be.

Bonus meditation! I am thrilled to announce that I am on the Insight Timer Meditation App. Join me for my first of many meditations on this wonderful platform, Raising your energetic vibration meditation.

Much love,

Erin Garay