How to keep your New Year's Resolutions from failing

It's 2022!

Happy New Year!

Every New Year's at midnight, we each eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes for the year.

As you might imagine, I take this tradition very seriously because I know that we speak our life into existence.

As such, the first thoughts of our year are very powerful and truly set the tone for our year.

As we were all eating our grapes, each of us went about this process so differently.

Some ate their grapes then wished;
some treated each grape like a birthday wish;
some grouped their wishes together;
some went one by one each month and wished one grape wish for each month.

I was the last category.

Before I ate each grape, I made a specific wish, one month per grape. (I did not take notes- that will be on Tuesday during our Vision Board Community night!)

I did, however, wish big! So big that I actually choked a little on one of those grapes which was a sign to me that I need to believe in myself even more because if we aren't meant for something, we wouldn't even have the desire.

But it's not the belief in myself that makes or breaks my intentions.

So if it's not my lack of belief, what could stand in my way from enjoying all of those wishes?

An addiction to all the emotions that I felt in 2021.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza in Becoming Supernatural, our repeated experiences form a habit.

It's more than a habit though.

When we think a thought, our brain releases a chemical.

When we habitually think a thought, our brain releases the same chemical repeatedly.

If we think the same thought continuously, we actually become addicted to that chemical in our brain much like an alcoholic becomes addicted to alcohol.

When we recognize this pattern for what it is, we are able to shift ourselves out of this thinking and mindset more efficiently and powerfully.

Take a moment and think about what emotions your brain might be addicted to right now.

Do you think about someone and find that you feel a certain way?

Have you been ruminating on an experience for far too long and can't figure out why?

This is why.

Your brain becomes addicted to the chemicals released when you think about that person or event.

As you begin to recognize this pattern or this feeling, you can shift your thinking towards your goals which will shift the chemical release.

I find that this recognition helps me to depersonalize the process, understanding that it's not really about that person or experience.

It's about the chemical produced.

This recognition makes it easier for me to create a new pattern or shift.

This new way of thinking allows us to ignite a new intention, a new neuropathway, a new chemical release.

This is how we make lasting change.

It's not just a mindset shift. It is a chemical shift that needs to be made and it can be accomplished one aware thought at a time.

And by eating a few more grapes! :)

Want a meditation to begin this process? Join me for today's meditation, Reaching your goals meditation, and enjoy a shift in your thinking and a feeling of success as you move toward your goals.

Happy New Year!

Much love,