Heal Acid Reflux and your knots of resentment

Do you struggle with acid reflux?

Do you also struggle with H.O.R.?

Holding onto resentment?

My bet is... if you have one of these conditions, you probably have the other.

I struggled with both of these for years and have used the below process to heal my body and my heart. I hope this brings you incredible healing too.

Knots of resentment are energetic binds that collect right underneath your rib cage and create stagnant energy and ultimately open up the emotional window for acid reflux to enter in physically.

First, what is a knot?

Let me tell you. I volunteered at Girl Scout camp every summer for several summers and I helped girls learn how to cook with a Dutch oven over an open fire, we made aluminum foil box ovens and baked cookies with them but every parent fled and hid when the directors asked for helpers for the knot station.

For life skills, every girl scout had to learn how to tie knots such as the bowline and clover hitch. If you know the bowline knots, you know how confusing it can be to have the bunny wrap around the tree and back down the hole. My bunny was always lost and I remain challenged by knots to this day.

Both at girl scouts and in life.

Knots are complicated.

They are layered, intricate and detailed.

To unravel them takes just as much finesse as it does to tie them.

If you pull one end, it can tighten the knot but you can also pull another end and the knot magically unravels.

The same is true of our knots of resentment.

Why do we hold onto resentment?

Resentment clings to the belief that there was only one way, typically our way, for something to unfold and when it does not unfold the way you wanted, blame and resentment quickly follow.

Clearly, if this person had acted differently, the situation would have been different.

That might be true or perhaps the process of healing from that experience serves a greater purpose in your life.

Simply put, our resentment remains because our feelings were hurt and something that was important to us was not as important to someone else and we were left disempowered and hurt by their actions.

We felt devalued and less important than whatever it was that the other person chose to accomplish than your desired outcome.

Our ego leads us to believe we have a right to be mad at this person but that person probably does not even remember the event and the only upset that remains is within you.

It's simply not worth it.

This resentment is causing physical and emotional harm.

How do we remedy these knots?

Well, just like your shoestrings, we pull these knots apart, string by string, inch by inch.

Forgiveness is the remedy for resentment.

Forgiveness is a process- an ABC process, in fact.

It begins with awareness.

A- awareness - we must be aware of what we feel resentful about and also realize the other person made a different choice than the one that we wanted them to make.

A choice. That's it.

It wasn't personal although I know it feels very, very personal.

Sometimes it's hard to recognize that our partners, friends, and family have their hang-ups too. The faster you allow them to have hang-ups and release your expectations for them, the faster you will heal.

Their action of not choosing you does not take away from your value.

Not being valued is at the root trigger of resentment.

You didn't value me the way I wanted to be valued and now I'm mad. As I have written about before feeling mad is our way of covering up our hurt.

I cannot stress this lesson enough that your value is infinite and holding onto this resentment hands your power over to this person believing their actions matter more than your actions.

I can tell you, that resentment of them choosing something else instead is only hurting you.

It is time to let them make their choice and for you to know you are infinitely valued and loved by something far greater than this person's priorities.

B- Believability- if they have apologized, believe them. They are sorry and depending on how long you've been hurt over this, they may be really sorry. Do both of you a favor, believe them and their apology.

But at the same time, I encourage you to bask in your Infinite Value knowing that apologies are a desire of one's ego rather than a conduit for relationship healing.

You are whole and complete without an apology. Requiring your healing to be dependent on another's words or actions gives your power away and devalues your worth, leading to even more acid reflux.

This helps to remove the knots of resentment and control within you.

You are whole and complete and filled with Divine perfection.

Apologies are a human requirement. Think bigger. Believe bigger.

Believe in yourself.

C- Compassion- Looking at this person who you allowed to create this knot of resentment within you and realizing they are a human being brings in peace and healing.

They may have made an insensitive choice.

This is true but allow yourself to get into an energetic state that surpasses the ability for their choice, or any choice, to affect you or to tie a knot within you.

Compassion helps you to move into a state of forgiveness and helps to loosen your knots.

When you can feel yourself move through all three of these stages, forgiveness and healing are imminent.

If you have moved through your ABC of forgiveness and are still struggling, apply the Ho' oponopono Blessing to your struggle and watch how fast you heal. Here is my favorite YouTube video that includes 108 repetitions of this powerful blessing.

This beautiful blessing is simple, yet powerful. You connect to your higher self and repeat this mantra:

I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

This ABC's of Forgiveness process has healed my acid reflux in ways I never expected as I came to value myself in greater and more powerful ways. I hope it brings you incredible healing too.

If you'd like to dive deeper and want me to walk you through this resentment healing process, join me for this week's podcast (airing Monday, November 28th) for Heal Acid Reflux by Healing your Knots of Resentment. You can follow my podcast today and be alerted tomorrow when it airs.

Today, you can join me for this incredible healing meditation, Healing Acid Reflux and your Knots of Resentment Meditation, as we find value within ourselves and allow those knots of resentment to loosen, unravel and heal.

Want your own Life Play book but don't want to be on the Podcast? I am offering a 12-session Coaching program that will transform your life and help you to learn how to love yourself enough to heal and heal yourself enough to thrive in ways you many have never believed possible. I would love for you to join my program! Learn More about this transformational program through the link below.

Much love,
Erin Garay


Erin Garay