Are you playing the What If game?

Are you playing the What If Game?

In my 20's, I would trip, drop my keys, forget what I was saying and often find my self disheveled.

I was an energetic hot mess.

Born a medium and psychic and not understanding yet how to manage my superpower skills left me looking clumsy and oversensitive.

I was so clumsy that I even earned the beloved nickname "Grace" by my closest group of friends.

And now....I hardly recognize that girl anymore.

I certainly still drop glasses. However, I know now that glass breaking clears energy in a space so rather than passing judgement on myself, I honor that experience and reflect on what I was just thinking about right before the glass broke.

It has always brought confirmation that the energy in this space needed to be cleared on that specific topic. The shattering of the glass has always redirected my thoughts in the best way possible.

I now not only have a new outlook on glasses breaking but also have an entire toolbox of techniques that I apply to my life every single day that I share with you here weekly.

Over the last two decades, I've learned how to ground my energy, how to live in the present moment and how to allow the future to take care of itself by maintaining my focus on what I can control.

I maintain a positive mindset and give myself compassion and love when I get too far ahead of today by reminding myself that I am always being blessed.

Big hugs from my hubby also helps!

Those hugs, along with meditation, actually do the same thing.

They cause me to be still and focus only on the present moment.

When we can draw our focus in from our past trauma rumination and our future worry and live in the here and now moment, magic happens.

We give space to the present moment blessings that are waiting to be bestowed upon us.

We breathe.

We take in the moment.

We trip less and keep track of our keys.

When we attempt to explore the many avenues that the future can take, we expend unnecessary energy. When we use our energy this way, it lowers our frequency and we end up attracting lower vibe people and experiences into our lives.

When we can use our energy to appreciate every moment of the day- the sun rising, the bees pollinating the fruit trees, the smile shining on our loved one's face, we elevate our energetic frequency with this gratitude and bring in its high vibe frequency match into our life.

How do you spend your energy? Do you worry about the past or future or appreciate the now?

There are certainly a lot of things that we could worry about right now... or we can sit in a place of security, faith and trust knowing that we will always be blessed. Our greatest blessings often show up in the most bizarre forms at first.

What we perceive as struggle often results in our character being strengthened and expanded. What begins in hardships results in blessings.

As you shift your energy, the world shifts its energy.

We are all connected.

You want to make a difference in all the chaos of this world right now?

Begin with bringing peace, faith and love into your own mind and heart and watch how fast your world begins to shifts.

Join me for today's present moment meditation, Moving through the "What Ifs..." into present moment gratitude, and watch your energetic frequency skyrocket resulting in bringing in the best your life has to offer.

See you in meditation.

Much love,


Erin Garay