Feeling whole and complete

We sent our first-born to college this week. Nowhere in the What to expect when you’re expecting book do they cover what to do or what to expect in month 220 of their life. Wow! What a ride!

Move-in could not have been more logistically perfect. One school rolling cart and one wagon from home allowed us to deliver her belongings in two efficient trips and all of the organizational systems we had brainstormed were executed brilliantly in her tight little triple room. (Could I have been any happier? I love efficient systems! The only way I could have felt happier was if I could have figured out how to use my laminator!)

She beamed brighter and brighter, with every step she took toward her dorm. She beamed with excitement and joy, knowing she was ready for this next step.

As I teach every week, high vibe energy creates opportunity for synchronicity and, wow, did she create opportunity for herself!

Her ecstatic energy lent itself to attracting the highest vibe people to meet and enjoy every minute of the day. She made friends at the elevator, had friends from home pop in to help her move and even met a friend during her pre-move-in Covid test who will be joining the same equestrian team as her. I mean talk about high vibe synchronicity… out of the thousands of incoming freshman she met one of the approximately 5 freshman who will be joining the team. This is synchronicity at its best as a result of the high-vibe frequency she was emitting.

This is how it is done. Magnetize your life into existence.

I could not be more proud of her, excited for her and at the same time sad that our family has changed forever. We are onto the next chapter of our family’s story.

I am proud. I am excited and I am sad.

It’s healthy to experience every single emotion. What would a rainbow look like if it was missing the color yellow? Or green? It would not feel complete.

The same is true of our spectrum of emotions.

Our joy heals our sadness. Our peace tempers our anger.

We need all of our emotions just as we need all the colors of the rainbow to feel complete.

It is so important to honor all of your emotions in whatever way feels right to you. Cry if you need to cry. Cuddle with a stuffed animal or go for a run. Listen to your heart. It will heal you in the precise way it needs to heal.

And I feel complete as our family turns the page as we begin this next chapter.

In fact, during move-in, it turned out two extra storage boxes could fit in her closet and as we were heading to dinner at 9:15pm that night, I said, “How about you guys order dinner and I’ll run to Target to get those two boxes (which was 5 minutes away) and then I’ll meet you when the food arrives. I want your room to feel whole and complete before I leave.”

My daughter said,” Today will feel whole and complete if we all have dinner together. We can get the boxes another day.”

And then suddenly I felt whole and complete.

I pressed paused on the function button of my brain and pressed the presence button of my heart.

Instantly, I slowed down, realizing this was the last hour I’d get to be with my daughter for the next month or so and savored that meal in every way- the conversation, the way she laughed and anticipated her new life and of course, the delicious food.

It was the perfect ending to this chapter.

Every great novel is written to carry you through each chapter, building upon itself, so that at the completion of the book you have journeyed alongside, and with, the characters. Upon reading the final sentence of a great book, you discover you have been changed by these characters and their journeys. These are the books that you can’t seem to put down because you feel so connected to the characters and their stories because their stories were never just about them. Their stories were always meant to change your heart.

The same is true of life.

We journey with the characters written into our life story and their adventures coincide, integrate, and complement ours. The protagonists, antagonists and the supporting characters all play a role in the story of our lives in expanding us and bringing us to the version of ourselves that we are meant to be.

So that at the end of our story, we too feel whole and complete.

Want to feel whole and complete throughout your life journey? Join me for this week's meditation, Feeling whole and complete throughout your life, and bring yourself into an energetic state that feels nourished and whole. When your energy frequency is nourished and whole, you draw that which you are onto you. Your life will begin to feel more whole and complete too.

See you in meditation!

Much love,