The Energetics of Gratitude and why it works

Hi Thriver! 
This week, I received two different testimonies from different clients about how much their lives have transformed since beginning their gratitude practice. In a small effort of daily appreciation, their lives have transformed into a dream come true.
One Thriver exclaimed, “I had no idea how little it actually took to be happy. I am so happy now. I am aware of my energy and I can feel when my energy is high and when my energy is low.”
Another Thriver detailed how she had manifested the life of her dreams by beginning with her
Universal Thank you Letter, the letter you write to the Divine in the past tense as if everything had already happened. Everything in her letter came true relatively quickly.
Simply wonderful.
But why does this happen?
According to David R. Hawkins in his Internationally bestselling book, 
Power vs Force, our emotions are measurable. Through applied kinesiology, otherwise known as muscle testing, (learn how to muscle test HERE) each emotion vibrates at a certain frequency with shame and grief measuring as low as 20-30 up to 1,000 for enlightenment. The scale below shows Hawkins’ scale of consciousness. This is a relative scale showing how each emotion measures in comparison to each other, not as a measurement of energy itself.
As we raise our energetic frequency by way of feeling more elevated, we attract more of what resonates at that level. When we are in a grumpy mood, we attract grumpy people. When we are in a joyous mood, we attract joyous experiences.

Like attracts like.
In this same way, we can use this chart to guide us through elevating our emotions as well as our energetic frequency. As we do so, we elevate our energy to draw in the life of our dreams.
Notice how anger is a higher measurement than apathy. Fighting in a relationship is a higher vibration than the feeling of giving up that often occurs with apathy. Neutrality and hope offers us a pivotal moment to move from a negative feeling into a more hopeful and positive experience. Every shift up the emotional scale elevates our energetic frequency and opens us up to the opportunity to attract a higher vibrating life.
How can you elevate one step today? How can you raise your emotion one notch higher today? If you do not see a clear path to the next emotion, you can always depend on gratitude. Gratitude itself, ranging between 700-1000, elevates your emotion as it helps you to appreciate the many blessings that surround you.

Love yourself enough to heal. Heal yourself enough to thrive. 

Much love,

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