How to manifest abundance

A few days ago, I was sitting down in the early moments of the morning, in meditation, and received the most powerful image that I wanted to share with you today. 

Every week, I guide you toward attracting your best life. 

You see, we draw in the life that matches the energetic vibration we emit. 

Life is always matching how you feel. The Universe does not hear your words, it responds to your feelings and energetic frequency and delivers you its equal match.

The Universe basks in our full connection with its abundance.

When we are fully connected, we are in a state of flow, and blessings flood into our lives. These are those days where you float into dinner amazed at how your day has "fallen into place." Traffic was easy, people were joyous and everything felt great. This is a state of connection and flow and it is available to us all the time.

In fact, Abraham-Hicks would say, "The better it gets, the better it gets."

So often though, we allow an argument, a person or a job to be the excuse that keeps us from being fully connected to that abundance and emitting the highest vibe possible. 

It’s like drinking a chocolate chip milkshake. 

You cozy up into a booth and hear and see a tall milkshake glass slide across the tabletop to land in front of you. Your eyes widen as they admire the topped whipped cream and the cold frost dusting the outside of the glass. Your mouth begins to water as you place the perfect straw into your milkshake and take one huge, satisfying, delicious slurp. 

That milkshake never tasted so good nor has ever felt as perfectly refreshing. 

The Divine connection of abundance feels just as delicious and decadent as this milkshake tastes, if not better.

You continue on to enjoy your culinary decadence and suddenly a chocolate chip gets lodged in your straw and you are no longer able to suck up all that deliciousness. 

That chocolate chip has blocked the flow of decadence into your experience. 

You are forced to pull the straw out, think about your milkshake differently, and remove the chocolate chip in order to return to your full enjoyment of your milkshake. 

This happens in life too. 

What's the chocolate chip in your life that is keeping you from your full connection to the Divine milkshake?

When we allow another person, situation or job to keep us from this flow of abundance, we are the only ones hurting ourselves.

The milkshake abundance is always there for you to enjoy. 

Are you going to let the excuse of something outside of you keep you from enjoying your flow? 

When we begin to recognize that we are allowing this excuse to be the reason we are separated from our abundance, life changes. 

We begin to understand and know, truly, that life is blessing us in every way, with every thing. 

That which no longer vibrates at the same frequency falls away for new and more aligned to be attracted to you. 

Do not allow change to keep you from remaining connected to your milkshake! 

Bask in its decadence and know that this flow is always available to you. Focus on the milkshake, not the chocolate chip. 

Want to learn the technique to remove your excuses or chocolate chips from your life? Join me for my weekly meditation, How to manifest abundance, and bask in this free-flowing energetic abundance.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Join me for my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast tomorrow by following my podcast today where you listen to your podcasts and tomorrow we will connect on How to Maintain a high vibe and manifest the life of your dreams

Much love,