Is school beginning for you too?

Hi Thriver! 

Is school beginning again in your home too? Are you starting a new job? Do you have an upcoming event? 

The minutes and days before the school year begins are full of palpable anticipation and excitement.

What will happen? How will it go? What memories will be made?

Rather than wondering how it will go this year, set your own intention and make it the best year yet by raising your energetic frequency and attracting what you want.

Just as you can shift the energy in the room with your intention and energy, you can shift your school year or work environment with your thoughts, intention and frequency. 

Seek out what you want to find. 
Be what you want to experience. 

We draw in and attract equal to our vibration. 

And you may not be where you were last year and that's OK. 

If suddenly, you no longer resonate with a friend, it's OK.

Recognize you may be vibrating at a different frequency and are not in sync right now. It's OK. I detail this in my How Do We Find Gratitude for those who hurt us Love Letter. 

Holding someone to your vibration will never work. Give them space to be themselves just as you want space to be you. 

As you hold yourself a priority in your life, you will attract the friends and people in your life that want to make you a priority, find so much more joy in your life and shift how you experience your year.

Begin with noticing where you left school last year. Were you sitting in class looking around the classroom finding one thing you appreciated about each person in the classroom or were you thinking about how they could improve their hair, their outfit or their Instagram?

The same is true whether you are sitting in class, running a meeting or scrolling through social media.

Have you been experiencing an energy of appreciation or one of judgement lately? 

I had an amazing high school client who was struggling with all of the above at school. In one session, we discussed how she spent her day at school. She would sit in class and assess everyone in the room. She would think about how they could improve their hair, their outfit or their life.  

I explained to her how we are energy, and our energy is felt louder than our words. 

In sitting in a space of judgement within the classroom, other students would feel judgement energy emanating from her and be put off by her and judge her in return. Sound familiar? 

However, I suggested that she sit in class and think about one thing she appreciated about each person and watch how much her experience at school would change as she shifted her energetic frequency. 

And it did.

As she appreciated others, she felt more appreciated. 
As she felt more grateful, others were grateful for her too. 

We are energetic beings, and we attract what we put out.

This lesson applies to school and to the school of life. 

How are you judging others? How can you shift your energy to one of gratitude and appreciation?  Where can you align yourself in a place of personal appreciation to attract those who appreciate and value you too? 

Join me for this powerful and wonderful First Day of School Meditation, where you will set intention for a year full of fun, appreciation and success. 

Have a great first day of school, work or fun! 

Much love,