My Book Cover Reveal- Establishing Equilibrium Together

Hi Thriver! 

They say to watch how a child plays to determine what they are meant to do here in this lifetime. This could not be more true for me. 

Here are all the books I "published" in elementary school. My library of books began to be curated in 1st grade when I entered my very first Young Author's Faire and continued to submit every year. I have always loved writing books.  

These were not class assignments.  The
Young Author's Faire was not affiliated with my school. It was something my parents found for me because I wanted to write and publish books.  This library of books means so much to me and I have used this as reassurance when this book process got really hard and I was trying to decide if I was supposed to quit or not. This library of books was physical proof for me that I'm right where I am meant to be. 

I am so grateful I listened to the voice deep down within me that guided me toward writing those first books, who guided me through 
Angel Birthdays and who has supported me through publishing my first non-fiction healing and diagnostic book, Establishing Equilibrium. 

Finally...Here is the Official Cover! This incredible image signifies the process I take you through within this book. 

Establishing – set up (a system) on a firm or permanent basis
Equilibrium- a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

~According to Oxford Languages

This title describes exactly what you are going to learn in this book. This roadmap is a self-diagnostic system that will help you reach the root cause of your physical, emotional and energetic disruptions. 

I show you step-by-step how to use and apply this system through my own personal journey of how each stage presents itself in relatable examples with a remedy for each step of this process. I could not be more proud of this incredible life manual I am releasing on September 26th!! Pre-Sales beginning soon! 

Would you like to receive an Advanced Reader Copy to review online for me? Launch day reviews and all subsequent reviews to follow help sway new-to-me readers to purchase the book. They are soo helpful in book sales and rankings.  As the book receives more reviews, Amazon becomes more likely to refer the book as a recommended book. 

If you are interested in reading this book over the next month, please sign up
HERE to be a part of my Advanced Reader Copy Team! 

Thank you for helping to make my dreams come true! Here is a fantastic hack to make your dreams come true too! Join me for this week's meditation,
Bedtime Manifesting Meditation and make your dreams come true by using this bedtime ritual every night. This is the technique I have and will continue to use to draw in the life of my dreams while I am awake! 

This week's YouTube Short,
Are you so irritated with someone right now? 
Much love,

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