Have you attended your high school reunion?

Hi Thriver! 

Last night was my high school reunion. As senior class president, I have carried on the tradition of hosting reunions every decade to offer our class an opportunity to remain connected and to reminisce about the good ol' days of high school.

People drove for miles and several alum flew in from multiple states. 

It was such a special night.

This was the first time I showed true videos at the reunion.  In years past, we compiled still pictures but I have recently been digitizing the videos we had from all of our rallies, games and events and it was such a delight to share them with the class. There was so much school spirit in those videos. 

It was electric! 

The richest life is one that is relationship-rich and these decade reunions offer the opportunity for alum to remain connected and to connect with people in a new way when they may not have been in the place to connect before. 

As I have written about in past love letters, we connect with others who match our vibration. When we're not at the same frequency, we literally do not sync up, emotionally or energetically. 

Similar to the galton board, our relationships ebb and flow as our energetic frequency rises and falls. We match with different people of the same frequency at different times in our lives as our own energetic frequency vacillates, as I explained in my past Love Letter, 
Using gratitude to heal relationships.

Where can you become more relationship rich in your life? Are you trying to connect with someone who is on a different frequency than you? Allow it to happen naturally and you will find that you will have more energy to offer as you no longer try to force a relationship with someone on a different frequency. When you no longer force it, you maintain a higher energetic frequency and draw in higher-vibe relationships.

Want to raise your vibration?  Join me for an oldie but goodie meditation that has become a fan favorite on raising your energetic frequency,
Raising your Energetic Frequency. 

Listen to my Love.Heal.Thrive.podcast Season 1 HERE!  Dive into the meaning of
repeating numbers, Healing your grief through gratitude and grief and regret and so much more.  I'll be back in the Fall diving into the concepts of my book.

Much love,

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