Spring Cleaning is no joke!

Spring cleaning is no joke! 

This annual ritual was established back in the days when we used fireplaces to heat our homes and upon the first glimpse of sunshine and warmth where we were able to open our windows and doors, we would begin to wipe down the soot that had gathered on the walls and windows. 

It is inherent within us to clean at this time of year. 

As our exposure to the sun increases, our melatonin production and energy increase. 

Each of our senses begins to ignite and our winter hibernation ceases. 

So we begin to clean to draw in rebirth and renewal into our lives.

My youngest daughter just secured her older sister's coveted and much larger bedroom.  This is my younger daughter's rite as my oldest daughter is away at college. I took my older brother's room when he went to college so the family tradition rite-fully continues. 

We cleaned out tons of old items and painted and freshened up both rooms and I found myself exhausted afterward...like couldn't get out of bed exhausted. 

You see, spring cleaning is not just about cleaning. 

When you touch an object, you absorb its energy, its story, and its vibration. 

You are not just moving objects, you are moving energy. 

The process of reading the energy and story of an item is called psychometry and this is at the heart of your spring cleaning exhaustion.

You are not just dusting and decluttering.

You are making peace with old stories and if you are not careful, you are also taking on the stories of the items you moved. 

This is how family heirlooms become so sacred, especially family jewelry.  Family jewelry passed down through the generations bares the energetic frequency of the family members before you.  

This is also why we are comforted by a loved one's sweatshirt or favorite blanket when they are away. These items hold their energetic frequency so we really do feel closer to them when we cuddle with them. 

We are literally cuddling with their energy. 

So how do we keep from being so exhausted at the end of a spring cleaning spree? 

Just as we ground our energy before meditation, we can ground our home before we begin, allowing and inviting whatever needs to fall away to fall away. 

Maintaining a higher vibration than that which we are decluttering also allows us to maintain our own high frequency. 

Join me for this week's meditation, Spring Cleaning House Meditation, and complete this meditation before you begin your spring cleaning spree. 

Want to dive even further into this topic? Join me for this week's podcast Why Spring Cleaning can feel exhausting and how psychometry can help us learn the story of home, on Monday May 1st! Follow my podcast HERE! 

This is some powerful work this week! I will be posting a few short tips on Instagram and Facebook.  Join in the conversation!  I would love to hear what you are discovering about your objects, home and self this week! 

Much love,