How to survive Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is upon us- September 27th-October 18 and will be retrograding through Libra, an astrology sign typically known to be peaceful, relationship-driven and harmonious. So what does the reverse of that look like?

Yep, you guessed it.

Relationship renewal and rethinking...and if you're not careful and conscious, arguing and saying things you'll regret that will change your relationships forever.

This is a time to be thoughtful and careful with your words.

Libra, the astrology sign who is fueled by one-to-one relationships, is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of affection and love and, as such, your most intimate relationships will be renewed and readjusted during this window.

It's time for relationship renewal specifically during this retrograde although all the same qualities appear similar to other Mercury retrogrades.

Your phone will not be dependable. Your computer will go haywire. You may find yourself learning things about people you maybe didn't want to know. You may be stuck in traffic. Missing planes. Wanting to argue.

Let's approach this with awareness so we can press pause on all that craziness...shall we?

Yes, challenges are going to arise during this window , but as I tell all of my clients...

Challenges are blessings in disguise.

Where is the blessing in your chaos right now?

Chances are, your phone was probably due for an update. It's likely your laptop needed to be backed up.

My guess is, if you learned something new about someone, you probably always suspected it to be true anyway.

Mercury retrograde is nature's little nudge to help us do the things we've needed to do or recognize things we weren't wanting to see because we've kept ourselves too busy.

In this retrograde's case, it is bringing our most intimate relationships to an entirely new level. In order to do so, we must clear away our frustrations in the relationships either by discussing it or meditating it away and making it peace with it.

A missed plane is going to give you plenty of time to clean out your inbox, if you recognize that this is a gift of time from the Universe and don't spend your three hours posting and complaining about your "lost" time.

A phone updated will force you to back up your photos so you never lose them if something happens to your phone in the future.

A friend realized may bring you two closer once you've talked through the hurt of the untruths told.

Rather than complaining, worrying or getting frustrated, take a moment to search for the blessing in the "challenge" that arises over the next few weeks and give gratitude to the Universe for knowing where you needed to pause, take some time and heal to be empowered and strong.

If you are finding yourself angry and frustrated at someone close, join me for this week's meditation, A meditation for anger, where we will dive in and heal the aching part of you so you can make peace with your anger first. The may make peace with it and not need to talk about it at all or you will approach the conversation in a more grounded and peaceful place.

Want to know more about this Mercury Retrograde? Check out this great article by Refinery 29.

Love yourself enough to heal. Heal yourself enough to thrive.

Much love,