The Mystery Of The Unforeseeable Solution

So often, we hold onto our own way of solving a problem that we forget to leave room for the unforeseeable solution.

I can't begin to count the number of times in my life a challenge was instantly solved by something I never expected.  A shift happened, an opportunity arose, a person "happened" to walk into my life, an unforeseeable solution solved my problem in a far greater way than I would have ever imagined for myself.

Throughout the many, many unforeseeable solutions though,  there was always one consistency.

It was in the very moment, I let go and let God.  I surrendered and trusted that God knew best. I accepted that my life was divinely perfect, and I accepted everything "as is".  I accepted that everything in my life, right now, had to be His doing so it had to be perfect and said, "OK God, it may not be what I think I want, but if this is how you want my life to be, then I accept it."

And I swear to you, as soon as I really accepted everything as is, it shifted, changed and solved itself in ways I never expected, and in a far greater way than I would've ever planned for myself. Always.  

Where in your life are you holding on too tight? Where are you believing there is only one solution? Where can you accept things "as is"? Are you ready for the catapult of change that follows?

When you accept the "as is", watch and witness what happens next.

You will welcome the most incredible unforeseeable solution that may have never even crossed your mind and will be sitting in a state of gratitude for the immeasurable blessing that redirected your course.