Top 10 Manifesting Tips for 2023

Happy 2023!!! 

I am so thrilled to be connecting with you on this very powerful first day of the year.  The energy of this day is one of the most powerful days of the year and a perfect day to set your vibrational set point for the year!  

Here are my Top 10 Favorite ways to elevate my personal energy and ultimately manifest what I desire into my life. 
Manifesting is the process of attracting what you desire by emitting the energetic frequency of what you want.

Everything is energy.  
Drawing in the life you desire is based on energy frequency.  When you are emitting the frequency of what you desire, it is drawn towards you.
Have you ever noticed when you’re in a bad mood you hit all the red lights and all the cranky drivers? Your friends and family seem to be in bad moods too and work is even more frustrating? 
Conversely, when you are in love, traffic flows with all green lights, work is enjoyable and effective, laughter abounds and food even tastes better. 
Bruce Lipton calls this the honeymoon effect. As author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi states, we can live in this state of Flow every single day.
But how do we get our energy into the receptive state of what we are desiring so we can manifest the life of our dreams? 

Here is my Top 10 Manifesting Tools for raising your energetic frequency and attracting the life of your dreams.  

  1. Set and maintain your vibrational set point.  This might look like intention setting but look deeper into this concept.  Can you see the vibrational set point for your life as an energetic frequency intention? How does it feel to have what you want?  What does it feel like to arrive to a situation achieving the emotional experience you are desiring?  This is the vibrational set point. 

  1. Notice... are you in peace or not in peace? Don’t worry about if you’re angry, happy or sad.  In The Four Sacred Secrets, authors Preethaji and Krishnaji define this as being in a suffering state or no suffering state or a beautiful state or not a beautiful state. I like to term it as Peace or no peace. Do you have peace or no peace?  Peace welcomes in Divine miracles and allows us to tap into a source far greater than our knowing. 

How long have you carried stories that takes you out of your peaceful state?  The most important thing that you can focus on to bring in your dream life is how you feel.  Is what you are thinking about uplifting you or bringing you down?
If you are complaining about something, is it lifting you up or bringing you down? The longer you carry it, the heavier burden it becomes because it has affected so much more of your life. That story encroached on more parties, more thoughts, more gatherings. 
I will often say to my husband, “ I need to tell you these things so that they clear from my space so that I can move forward because I know they are holding me back.” I tell the story once, find the lesson and let it go. 

My peaceful state is the most important focal point for me. 

  1. Visualize before you go to sleep and be a walking vision board- write down how those blessings that you desire would make you feel and begin to experience those same feelings before you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning. Throughout your day, seek out where you already feel those emotions and recognize that they are already here.  Like attracts like.  As you recognize them existing in your life, you will draw even more onto you.


  1. Write a thank you letter for what you want as if it has already happened.  This technique is called Scripting- Writing down what you visualize as though you’ve already accomplished your dreams.  If you have the desire, it is already accomplished energetically, it is a function of allowance into your physical world. 

Imagine and speak as if it’s already happened. My friend and I talk about my TED talk all the time. One of my favorite text banters about it was when she and I were talking about it and she said," I love that picture of us from that night. It’s my favorite picture on my refrigerator."  Speak your life into existence. The Universe responds to your vibration. What do you believe is possible for you?  If you have the desire, it is already energetically completed.  Talk about it that way. 

  1. All the boats rise together. As others rise- rather than seeing competition- see it as proof that this upleveling is available to you too. Don’t compete. Celebrate that the path is widening for you too. Competition and criticism places you into a "no peace" state and slows your manifestation energy.


  1. Gratitude practice before bed.  As I mentioned in my Manifesting Through Gratitude blog, our gratitude become a vacuum for what we appreciate. Days can be tough but when we elevate our energy before going to sleep at night, we allow that energetic attraction to draw what we desire in all night long and we awake to a higher vibration allowing higher manifestations. 


  1. Giving it to Love- Tosha Silver wrote an incredible book called, It's Not Your Money where she advises to release worries and fears and "how" it's all going to turn out to Love, or the Divine.  This ownership release invites in miracle making. Another powerful shift she recommends is shifting your phrasing from "my" to "the".

They are not my bills, they are the bills. 

They are not my followers, they are the followers.  This shifts the ownership from our ego to the Divine and invites a greater source to solve our problem in a greater bigger way.  This shift is powerful and I can't wait to hear how it changes your life!  We are also reading this book for book club (hosted online) and would love to have you in our discussion! Join us HERE! 

  1. Finding the blessing vs toxic positivity (forcing an upbeat attitude) –When life feels like more of a struggle, find the lesson it is trying to teach you.  This helps to elevate your energy and helps to draw in the solution faster. Life is happening for you, not to you. You do not have to force the upbeat attitude because the Universe reads your energy, not your words.  By seeking out the lesson, you will elevate your energetic frequency to the next state and draw in even more blessings!


  1. Laugh- however you need to get there. Watch silly videos, call that friend who always makes you laugh. There are some topics we cannot get to a high vibe frequency on in this moment and that is OK. Stop paying attention to it and focus on something that brings you joy. The net rise of your energetic frequency will begin to shift your feeling about that challenging situation. It's like when you were in school writing a paper and got "stuck."  What would you typically do?  Get up, walk away, grab a snack, run around and by the time you came back, you had the solution for the next step.  This works the exact same way.  Raise your energetic frequency elsewhere.  The more you focus on what you are struggling with, the lower your frequency falls.  Change topics and raise your energy and that which you are struggling with will rise too.

10) You must believe you can obtain it or are worthy of it.  Last year, I took a speaking course with Lisa Nichols and she recommended this post-it note ritual. Place a post it note on your bathroom mirror and every morning, complete this prompt.

-I am proud of you for…
-I forgive you for….
-I love you for….
This will begin to shift your inner value and frequency state and help you to come to know that you are worthy of all that you desire. 

Want to join me for the conversation about this list?  Join me for the Top 10 Manifesting Tools Conversation HERE. I would love to hear which of these techniques you are going to add into your 2023!
Your greatest desires are available to you this year!  How are you shifting your energetic frequency so that you can welcome them in? 

Which of these tools are you going to incorporate into your 2023?  

I would love to hear!  Join the conversation right HERE

Happy 2023!

Much love,