Are you an overthinker? Do you worry a lot?

Are you an overthinker? Are you exhausted at the end of your day because you're worried you might have missed something in a project or a conversation? Afraid that this one error may have significant ramifications? 

I used to be this way too...and it was exhausting 

I would be so afraid to make a mistake or miss a detail that I would have no energy left for my life after working for the day. 

The energetic center in our bodies that houses this type of worry, fear and control is the solar plexus chakra. 

The solar plexus energy, located in the gut region, matures during the ages of 14-21 and helps us come to terms with our fear, control, image, and ego.

When this time period is riddled with control challenges, things you wanted to control, or events that created vast amounts of fear within you, an emotional and energetic imprint is established. An imprint is an emotional and energetic story that we believe but doesn't necessarily serve us. In this case, it leaves us riddled with fear which we attempt to minimize through control rather than trusting that the Universe is always blessing us, even when we seemingly "make a mistake." 

After all, Albert Einstein famously wrote,"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 

Mistakes guide us toward the answer we've been searching for. Mistakes offer refinement of our desire and often guide us to a new perspective or sometimes even a new person who happened to be just who we needed to complete the project.

When our solar plexus energy is imbalanced there is an extreme desire to control in an attempt to out control the power of fear.  

The antidote to fear is faith. 

When we can trust and know that the Universe has a perfect Divine plan, we can give the Universe the wheel and trust we are being guided toward our very best life. At first, this may be a challenge. Leave a sticky note on your computer to help you change this mindset.

Stop outcontrolling the fear because in doing so you're actually allowing your fear to have greater power than you. When you trust in the Divine plan, fear cannot control you. You are trusting in something greater who is always blessing you with a plan unforeseen to you. 

Join me for this week's meditation and visualization, Stop Overthinking and Burn Away Your Fear, and learn how to overcome fear and bask in a greater Divine plan filled with peace and assurance. 

Much love,

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