How are you mothered?

Our mothers are our initial form of nourishment- physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually — in utero and beyond. 

In some cases, we have a mother who continues to nourish us in all these ways as we age and we continue to feel fulfilled by this relationship. 

In other cases, the mother experiences her own struggles and limitations and leaves us lacking in any one of these nourishing aspects. 

It is reassuring to know that, in all cases, we are always where we are meant to be. 

We grow at a more expedited pace when we go through struggle and sometimes, that is simply what our soul has signed up for while here on Earth. A strained mother relationship or a mother who died at an early age results in their children experiencing vast amounts of growth quickly. 

But we do not need the mother figure in our lives in order for us to be mothered. When we can equate nourishment with mothering, we can find that so much of life itself mothers us.

We have friendships and partners that nourish us.

Beyond humans, we have pets that nourish us, a beautiful warm sun and food that nourishes us. We also have a beautiful mother that we call on every week during meditation, Mama Earth, who nourishes and heals us in every way. 

In knowing that Mama Earth's energy is available to you for healing, you have the opportunity to mother yourself by drawing upon her healing energy as we do every week in mediation. 

Maybe I have come to lean on this energy so deeply because my own Earthly mother died 15 years ago and in an effort to feel whole and complete and nourished, I have found nourishment in this energy.  

As a result of this daily energetic practice, I find myself grounded, healed and resilient and prepared for life. I am nourished and I know all is well. 

I have also learned to nourish myself.

I set my crockpot so I can come home to nourishment after a long day but set the
intention that it is set for nourishing. 

I set my coffee pot to percolate or set my oven to bake something overnight so I wake up to a warm delicious treat. 

I nourish myself and feel mothered and I have amazing people in my life that nourish me every single day. I am so grateful to mother and be mothered by these souls. 

Of course, there isn't a day that I wish I could hug my own Earthly mom but I know my journey here far surpasses her need to be here. 

I know I needed to learn to mother myself as part of my journey here, and I want that for you too. 

What relationships in your life nourish you?
How can you nourish and mother yourself?
Choose one way and bask in this for today. 

If you have a wonderful relationship with your Earthly mother, mothering yourself only allows you to attract even more nourishment from your own mom. If your Earthly mother didn't nourish you the way you desired, find other nourishment and allow yourself to feel whole and complete in your own nourishment. 

I hope you bask in the knowing that nourishment is available to you in every way, every day. 

I hope this love letter nourished you today too! 

Happy Mother's Day! 

Much love,