Are feeling grounded?

Everything emits energy.

So with everything either catching your attention as a result of energetic buildup or life vying for your attention via social media, commercials or billboards, how do you stay focused and grounded?

You become a weeble wobble and you don't fall down!

This was some of my most profound energetic advice I think I've ever given on my podcast, releasing tomorrow.

The 8-Week Chakra Series begins tomorrow with tomorrow's episode: Root Chakra: what is it and what do we do with it? that dives into this concept in a powerful way.

This weeble wobble visual is funny but also very true.

When we feel scattered, this is a symptom that the energy in our root chakra, the energy center located at your pelvic floor, the base of your spine, and your perineum, is also scattered. This energy has moved to different parts of the body because our attention has brought the energy to those parts.

Energy flows where attention goes.

A great energy hack to focus your attention and avoid distraction is to bring your attention down to your pelvic floor, the base of your spine, and your perineum.

Become the weeble wobble.

When I give talks, you will always find me in the bathroom right before my talk turning into this metaphorical weeble wobble.

When I present, energy rushes to my heart because I am so passionate about what I teach. Energy rushes to my head because I am processing and thinking about what I am saying. But too much energy in these parts of our body can result in forgetting what we are saying and what we are doing because energy has left the root chakra to attend to other parts of the body.

The energy in our root chakra grounds us and helps us remain focused.

Becoming the weeble wobble and drawing attention down to your pelvic floor, the base of your spine and your perineum will allow you to counterbalance this energy rush and keep you grounded before any presentation you give, any difficult conversation you have or during any alarming situation.

Recently a loved one got injured and as we were getting in the car to go to the ER, I had forgotten to open the door for her as she was unable to open it for herself. Surprised that I was feeling so scattered that I forgot to open her door, on my way around the car to get the door, I said out loud, "Ground."

She said, "Are you telling me to ground or yourself?" I said, "Both."

Really, I was telling myself, but the truth is, grounding calms our nervous system and is always good for everyone.

I love that my entire family has been raised with the concept of grounding and has the tools in place to remain present and focused. I want that for your family too! In fact, here is a fantastic documentary on the science of grounding, Earthing.

I am beginning my 8-week chakra series on my podcast as an entry into my book that will be released this summer, Establishing Equilibrium. I could not be more excited to share this entire process and healing with you! Stay tuned for more release information, book signing talks, and an online book launch party too!

Join me for this week's podcast, Root Chakra: what is it and what do we do with it? Where we dive into the details of this powerhouse foundational energy and how it helps to heal our inner child and help us remain grounded, present and feeling safe.

Join me for this week's meditation, Root Chakra meditation, where you will learn the mantra that balances this energy center and brings strength and energetic focus and stability to your life.

As you have learned the past few weeks, everything emits energy.

Here is a great short that offers the visual for how energy stacks up in our home when we have clutter, How energy catches our eye.

So with everything either catching your attention as a result of energetic buildup or life vying for your attention via social media, commercials or billboards,

how do you stay focused and grounded?

You become a weeble wobble and you don't fall down!

This was some of my most profound energetic advice I think I've ever given on my podcast, releasing tomorrow.

The 8-Week Chakra Series begins tomorrow with tomorrow's episode: Root Chakra: what is it and what do we do with it? that dives into this concept in a powerful way.

This weeble wobble visual is funny but also very true.

When we feel scattered, this is a symptom that the energy in our root chakra, the energy center located at your pelvic floor, the base of your spine, and your perineum, is also scattered. This energy has moved to different parts of the body because our attention has brought the energy to those parts.

Energy flows where attention goes.

A great energy hack to focus your attention and avoid distraction is to bring your attention down to your pelvic floor, the base of your spine, and your perineum.

Become the weeble wobble.

When I give talks, you will always find me in the bathroom right before my talk turning into this metaphorical weeble wobble.

When I present, energy rushes to my heart because I am so passionate about what I teach. Energy rushes to my head because I am processing and thinking about what I am saying. But too much energy in these parts of our body can result in forgetting what we are saying and what we are doing because energy has left the root chakra to attend to other parts of the body.

The energy in our root chakra grounds us and helps us remain focused.

Becoming the weeble wobble and drawing attention down to your pelvic floor, the base of your spine and your perineum will allow you to counterbalance this energy rush and keep you grounded before any presentation you give, any difficult conversation you have or during any alarming situation.

Recently a loved one got injured and as we were getting in the car to go to the ER, I had forgotten to open the door for her as she was unable to open it for herself. Surprised that I was feeling so scattered that I forgot to open her door, on my way around the car to get the door, I said out loud, "Ground."

She said, "Are you telling me to ground or yourself?" I said, "Both."

Really, I was telling myself, but the truth is, grounding calms our nervous system and is always good for everyone.

I love that my entire family has been raised with the concept of grounding and has the tools in place to remain present and focused. I want that for your family too! In fact, here is a fantastic documentary on the science of grounding, Earthing.

I am beginning my 8-week chakra series on my podcast as an entry into my book that will be released this summer, Establishing Equilibrium. I could not be more excited to share this entire process and healing with you! Stay tuned for more release information, book signing talks, and an online book launch party too!

Join me for this week's Love.Heal.Thrive podcast (found everywhere you listen to your podcast), Root Chakra: what is it and what do we do with it? Where we dive into the details of this powerhouse foundational energy and how it helps to heal our inner child and help us remain grounded, present, and feeling safe.

Join me for this week's meditation, Root Chakra meditation, where you will learn the mantra that balances this energy center and brings strength and energetic focus, and stability to your life.

Much love,
