How I Manifested My House...

A few years ago, I had an inspiration.

I wanted a house where I could host my private practice and have it be big enough to rent out to other practitioners and hold classes in the living room. But I thought to myself, I have no idea how that is going to happen here in the San Francisco Bay Area. So I released it.

Two years later, after previewing many offices, I came across a listing on Craig’s list of someone renting their space. Upon seeing those pictures on my computer screen, I knew it was it! When I walked in, my stomach practically leapt into throat.
And this simple little listing became the home of Love.Heal.Thrive.

I had manifested this cute house on El Camino, nestled in between businesses. The previous owner called it the "Up house"  (after the Disney movie Up) because many builders have tried to make offers on it, and it just keeps standing tall.  I feel like that is the energy of the house too. It helps you to stand tall when you walk in. You just feel it when you walk in the door.

But let me get back to manifesting. You see, I was following all the rules of manifesting and didn’t even know it! I had a deep seed of desire for a house to share with the community, and then I let go of the how.

How would it come in? I had no idea, but I could feel the Up house feeling in my gut. Allowing that feeling to permeate but not getting stuck in the details.  I just focused on that Up house feeling. I released the how and let God bring it the perfect time, and in the perfect way. 

I released it so much that I didn't even recognize it to be a house until after I had been in for over 2 weeks.  Only then, did I realize what I manifested.

Now, one year later,  it is this beautiful home filled with love, healing, thriving, and a community of teachers and Thrivers. It’s incredible.

I hope you will join me for an Anniversary party, Sunday, August 26th from 4pm-6pm to celebrate one year of Love.Heal.Thrive. Mark your calendars!

And if you want to manifest the life of your dreams, please join me for the free Oprah & Deepak meditation series Energy of Attraction: Manifesting your best life. It begins this Monday.

Sign up here-Energy of Attraction Meditation Series

These series are always wonderful, and I look forward to hearing about your Manifestation journey and your own Up House experience too. 

Much love,